Hearth Seating

We have started the seating in the Hearth. Looks great I think!

Front Facade Wood?

Front Facade Wood?

While 30+ Londoners get to their regular Saturday co-making, some of us Festival Villagers went to Leaside Wood Recycling Project out near the Olympic site to see about getting some wood for the front facade of the space. Despite being drenched in these April down pours, hopefully we can make something pretty stunning out of their amazing selection of recycled pine.

Comakers Saturday 21 April

Comakers Saturday 21 April

30+ Comakers showed up all day Saturday to continue to make the Festival Village. As we move into the final phase of this project it is wonderful to see the Festival Village community already buzzing, a legacy everyone hopes to leave for future Villagers. (This is that community enjoying some lunchtime pizza, a regular feature of the Saturday building sessions.)

Co-makers get up close and personal…

Co-makers get up close and personal...

A precious moment between co-makers on Saturday (or were they just weighting down the hearth floor?). Join us for more on Saturday 21st from 11am at the Festival Village. Designing continues on Wednesday 18th from 7-9pm at the same place.

More Lighting discussions and Prototyping

Ella and Oli discuss the virtues of colanders, cheese graters and cutlery as lamp shades!

Lighting Prototyping

Eleana and Maria solder plastic cups together to create a prototype lamp shade as part of the lighting package in the village!

Making samples of coffee ground casting

Mixing up different quantities of coffee grounds and concrete in preparation for the outdoor seats and tables casting.

Both spaces opened up!

Breaking through the middle wall!

And here’s Dermot breaking through the middle wall of the space!

The sides of the ramp begin!

We have so much plywood to recycle, we are really liking the different colours and grains in the wood!